Established in 2003


  • Hair care is an overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Hair care will differ according to one's hair type and according to various processes that can be applied to hair. All hair is not the same; hair is a manifestation of human diversity.
  • Care of the hair and care of the scalp skin may appear separate, but are actually intertwined because hair grows from beneath the skin. The living parts of hair (hair follicle, hair root, root sheath, and sebaceous gland) are beneath the skin, while the actual hair shaft which emerges (the cuticle which covers the cortex and medulla) has no living processes. Damage or changes made to the visible hair shaft cannot be repaired by a biological process, though much can be done to manage hair and ensure that the cuticle remains intact.
  • U/V Cut
  • Deep U/V
  • Layers
  • Step Cut
  • Feather Cut
  • Boys
  • Mushroom
  • Blunt
  • Straight
  • Fringe
  • Children’s Haircut
  • When it comes to keeping your hair looking just the way you like it, the easiest way is to keep a regular haircut schedule. Here are a few more things to consider:
  • Freshen Up:
  • If you have short hair or a specific cut, regular trims will keep your look fresh and easier to manage.
  • Avoiding Split Ends:
  • Longer hair benefits from trims to keep split ends at bay.
  • Damage Control:
  • Spilt ends are progressive, meaning, once an end is spilt, it continues to split, moving from the end toward the scalp.
  • No Frizz Zone:
  • If you don’t get your hair trimmed, you could end up with fine, straggly, frizzy, damaged looking hair.
  • Just in Time:
  • It’s much easier to trim or "dust off" quarter of an inch versus waiting and having to cut off three inches for your hair to look healthy. Once a Month, or so how often should you get your hair cut. It depends on how fast your hair grows and the condition of your hair, but every 4-6 weeks is standard.